I am a third-year Ph.D. student at Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM). I had the opportunity to join Soft Condensed Matter (SCM) group and work under supervision of Prof. Ejtehadi. It is an honor to be a member of this group and interact with many talented students there.
As a short biography I should say that I was born in Isfahan and finished my undergraduate studies there. I did my bachelor and master studies in the field of “bioelectrics”, a very interesting and interdisciplinary field between medicine and electronics. After graduation from University of Isfahan, I moved to Tehran and started my master in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences where I found the chance to work under the supervision of Prof. Rafii-tabar. My master thesis was on “Ultra-Weak Photon Emission from Biological Samples” and I worked specifically on the photons detected from germinating mung beans. Since then, I got motivated by my supervisor to understand the underlying physical/chemical mechanisms of photon emission in biological systems. That is why I decided to enter the field of biophysics. Nowadays, I am doing classical molecular dynamics simulation of biomolecules, mainly phospholipids and proteins.

My Project

Here you can find what I am working on: I am mostly interested in understanding physical properties of biological systems at molecular scale. As a part of my Ph.D. thesis, I am investigating the underlying mechanism by which amyloid-beta protein interacts with silica surface. Our ultimate goal is to find out how this mechanism affects...

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